
e	xcel分行怎么分





  1. 选择你想要按行拆分的单元格区域。例如,如果你的数据从A1到D10,那么你需要选中这个区域。
  2. 在Excel的菜单栏中点击"数据"选项卡。
  3. 在“数据”工具箱中找到并点击"分列"按钮,或者你也可以使用快捷键Alt+D,然后E来执行此操作。
  4. 在打开的“分列向导”对话框中,你可以选择“定宽”,然后在右侧输入框内设置每个新行的宽度。也可以选择“分隔符”并指定分隔符的类型和位置。
  5. 点击下一步,然后选择“不导入标题”,因为这里我们不需要表头行。





e	xcel分行怎么分


```vba Sub SplitDataByRow() Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, cell As Range, i As Long, j As Long, arr(), result As Variant, rowIndex As Long, columnIndex As Long, lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long, tempArray() As Variant Dim headerRows() As Variant, emptyCellsOnly As Boolean, ignoreHeaders As Boolean, splitOnEmptyCells As Boolean, delimiterType As String, delimiterPosition As Long, delimiterChar As Char, splitTextAsStrings As Boolean, textArray() As Variant, newLineDelimiter As Boolean, newLineChar As Char, skipEmptyRowsAsBoolean As Boolean, skipEmptyColumnsAsBoolean As _Boolean, skipHeaderRowsAsBoolean As _Boolean, skipHeaderColumnsAsBoolean As _Boolean, skipEmptyRowsAsLong Integer, skipEmptyColumnsAsLong Integer, skipHeaderRowsAsLong Integer, skipHeaderColumnsAsLong Integer Dim tempArrayCount As Long, tempArrayIndex As Long, tempArrayElement As Variant, newLineFound As Boolean Set ws = ActiveSheet With ws.Range("A1:D10") '设定要分割的区域(可以修改为任何单元格区域)' rng = .Resize(.Rows.Count-1).Offset(1, 0) '调整范围以排除标题行' lastRow = rng.Rows.Count '记录最后一行的行号' lastCol = rng.Columns.Count '记录最后一列的列号' result = ArrayForEach(rng, Function().CreateObject("System.String")) '创建一个数组用于存放结果' headerRows = ArrayForEach(rng, Function().CreateObject("System.String")) '创建一个数组用于存放标题行' emptyCellsOnly = True '设置是否只保留空单元格' ignoreHeaders = False '设置是否忽略标题行' splitOnEmptyCells = False '设置是否按空单元格拆分' delimiterType = "None" '设置分隔符类型' delimiterPosition = -1 '设置分隔符位置' delimiterChar = "" '设置分隔符字符' newLineDelimiter = False '设置是否使用换行符作为分隔符' newLineChar = Chr(10) '设置换行符' skipEmptyRowsAsBoolean = True '设置是否跳过空行' skipEmptyColumnsAsBoolean = False '设置是否跳过空列' skipHeaderRowsAsBoolean = False '设置是否跳过标题行' skipHeaderColumnsAsBoolean = False '设置是否跳过标题列' On Error Resume Next '准备错误处理机制' For Each cell In rng '遍历每个单元格' If cell.Value < > "" And Not IsNull(cell) Then '如果不是空单元格且不是空值时' If (emptyCellsOnly Or Not cell.EntireRow.Cells.Blank) And (ignoreHeaders Or Not cell.Row <= rowIndex + headerRows.Count) And (skipEmptyRowsOrSkipHeaderRowsOrNotNewlineOrNotNewlineAndSkipHeaderRowAndSkipHeaderCol Or cell.Row <= rowIndex + headerRows.Count + 1 + (newLineDelimiter And newLineChar)) And (skipHeaderRowOrNotNewlineOrNotNewlineAndSkipHeaderCol Or cell.Column <= columnIndex + headerColumns.Count + (delimiterType And delimiterPosition And delimiterChar)) And (skipEmptyColumnOrNotNewlineOrNotNewlineAndSkipHeaderCol Or cell.Column <= columnIndex + headerColumns.Count + (newLineDelimiter And newLineChar))) Then '如果满足条件时' tempArrayCount = tempArrayCount + 1 '增加临时数组索引' tempArray(tempArrayCount - 1) = cell.Value '把单元格的值存入临时数组对应位置' End If '结束本循环内的If判断' End If '结束本循环内的If判断' //eoj:AddErrorHandler() //eoj:On Error Goto 0 //eoj:Resume Next //eoj:For Each Next //eoj:Next //eoj//eoj://eoj:Exit Sub //eoj:End Sub //eoj:Sub SplitDataByRow()//eoj:Sub Main(())//eoj:Function CreateObject(ClassType as Class) as Object {[In] ClassName as string} //eoj:Function ArrayForEach(array as array, codeblock as object) as variant}